FXAI Panel Tutorials
Dive into our comprehensive video tutorials to get the most out of the FXAI panel. With five detailed videos, you'll learn how to navigate and utilize all features effectively, enhancing your trading experience and maximizing your success with FXAI.
Get started with FXAI by exploring an overview of the trading robot panel. This video introduces you to the core features and layout, providing a solid foundation for using the platform effectively.
Trading Account
Learn step-by-step how to integrate your trading account with the FXAI panel. This tutorial ensures a smooth setup so you can start trading seamlessly with our advanced tools.
Dive into the Dashboard to understand how to view and interpret your open and closed positions, along with your profit and loss data. This video helps you track and analyze your trading performance with ease.
Create Strategy
Discover how to design and implement custom trading strategies using the FXAI Strategy Builder. This video guides you through the process of creating tailored strategies to suit your trading goals.
Backtest Bank
Learn how to backtest your trading strategies with FXAI by evaluating drawdown and profit percentage. This tutorial demonstrates how to refine your strategies based on historical data for better future performance.